Department of Military Science and Leadership

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Mr. Joseph Wiehe

Army ROTC Logistic Technician
Mr. Joseph Wiehe

Component: DoD Civilian GS (US Army RET)

Branch: Logistics Technician

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Deployments: Gulf War 91 201st MI BN, Afghanistan 05, 13th MP Co, Qatar,09 CENTCOM JSFOP

Past Duty Stations: Ft Campbell, Korea, VHFS VA, Mannhein GE, FT McCellan, FT Leonard Wood, Italy (SETAF)

Extracurriculars/Hobbies:  Sports, golfing, cooking, spending time with family

Family: Wife Christina, Sons Joe Jr 29, Phillip 27 and Daughter Rebecca 25.

Most Memorable Moments at OSU:  Attending the ROTC Mil Ball and watching my son earn the Kabar for excellence. Meeting Coach Meyer at the Woody Hayes Complex. Being apart of the commissioning ceremonies.